Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving, a holiday that I did not know about until I came to the United States.  I am still learning a lot about this holiday and what it means.  So far, I think it is about being with friends and family and of course, eating lots of good food!  I am thankful for my blogger friends - it is nice to know other animals also like to blog.  I feel so lucky.  I hope everyone in the world can feel this way too.  Happy Thanksgiving.  :)


  1. Mmmmmm your meal looks good. Is that ham I see? Did your owner get you any dessert tonight?

    1. Oh yes there was, but I wasn't quick enough to take a picture of it because I ate it up so fast! Pecan pie and pumpkin pie and sweet potato pie and honey pie...

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Ajdin! Gobble, gobble!

  3. Oh, ham is yummy! I think I see some turkey too! Yum! Was there any honey for dessert?

    1. We love ham too, although at our house, we always have turkey at Thanksgiving then ham at Christmas, but we're not sure why, we've just always done it that way. Salmon is also very nice too, yummy. Do you have ham during other holidays little Fox?

  4. Hi Jerry and Ben,
    My house is similar to yours. Turkey at Thanksgiving, Ham at Christmas and Easter. Don't tell my other fox friends but I am not really a huge fan of turkey (i know us foxes have a reputation for liking birds) but I prefer salmon and cod.

    1. Oh yummy, salmon and cod are delicious. We wonder what Ajdin prefers...

    2. I love to eat anything! That is why my little tummy is so round!

    3. There was turkey also! I might need to hit the gym more often. :-)

    4. Hehe, well, winter walks help. Besides, bears are supposed to put on a few extra pounds in the winter, because we sleep more and sometimes miss meals, so we have to make up for it!

  5. My Sister, Pinkie, and I are Also Thankful for our Nice Blogger Friends, Adjin! Happy Thanksgiving!
