Saturday, September 27, 2014

Will it grow? Part 2

Hello everyone.  It's been a couple of days since I planted the poppy seeds so let's take a look and see if there is any growing action going on.

Hmm!  It looks like something is sprouting from the soil.  I added a little more water.

I'll check on it again in another couple of days.


  1. Plant it looking good. Don't forgot to talk to it and say Good Morning. Jerry suggests giving it a little honey, but Ben says that is probably not a beary good idea.

  2. Do you have any plant food? Perhaps Jerry can recommend a brand with honey as an ingredient to give it that extra boost? I see a gardening show in Ajdin's future...

    1. Well, there is usually beary little honey left in our house...someone (who shall remain nameless) always seems to eat most of it, and his name does not begin with a B. hehe
