Thursday, July 17, 2014

Trip to NYC

I recently took a trip to New York City.  Now, if you can imagine a little bear going into a big city like NYC, it is a little bit scary.  There were so many busy bears and non-bears wearing business suits and talking on their smartphones.  It seemed like everyone was in a hurry.

I ran into Winnie the Pooh in Times Square.  We took a picture together.  Then after my mom took the photo, he asked for a tip.  Hmm... I don't think this is how the real Winnie the Pooh would treat his fans.

The buildings were beary tall.  I felt beary small.

Here I am about to hop on the subway at Times Square.  I hid inside my mom's backpack and avoided paying the subway fare.

Phew!  These streets and avenues can be beary long walks for a little bear.  I need to take a break here.

Okay, here is another view of Times Square.

Now, I started to walk another few blocks and then I saw a beary interesting store...



  1. Hi, Ajdin! I'm a new reader, but enjoying your blog very much! I'm from a much smaller city than New York, and I think that many people would freak me out a little bit. You're a very brave bear. I can't wait to see what you find in the "interesting store" :)

    Nice to "meet" you, here on blogger! Wishing you many wonderful adventures!


    1. hello Miranda! Thanks for visiting my page! I have never met a pixie before - beary nice to meet you.

  2. You got to meet Winnie! What a lucky bear! We hope you had a great NYC adventure!

  3. Winnie asked for a tip??? Hmmm... think you're right and that wasn't the real Winnie-the-Pooh. But I know that store you're going into!!! Oh boy... I hope you found something!

  4. Oh wow a Build a Bear store! How cool!
    If you like reading other bears blogs can we suggest to you our brothers blog...His name is Ozzie Quirkybear and you can find his blog here:
