Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ooogie's blog

Hey what's up everyone? Today I'm going to ---


"Oh hey Ooogie, what's up? I see you made it back from the supermarket."

"Yesssss," he replied. "I haaaaave an announceeeeemeeeent."

"Oh really?"

"I ammmmm staaaaarting a blooooog," he said.

"Really? That's great! What's the link?"

"It isssssss..."

I wonder how often Ooogie will be blogging. Check it out!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Billy Goat Trail

Today I am going to hike the Billy Goat Trail in Maryland. Come with me! Here is the trailhead.

This trail has three sections, with section A being the most difficult. That's the one we're doing today. It has a lot of rock scrambling. Are you up to the challenge?

I'm wearing my Bear Cub Scout uniform today. Maybe I can earn a hiking badge for this.

The Billy Goat Trail is next to the Potomac River. During the spring and summer, you can see a lot of kayakers take on the currents here.

Yeah, now we are getting to see some neat rock formations on the side of the river!

Wow, these boulders are huge!

Okay, now we have reached the trickiest part of the trail. It's a downclimb all the way to the bottom.

I'm going to go down... er...

...actually, I'm going to hop in my mom's backpack and let her do this one! She has climbed this many times before.

Okay, here we are at the bottom. I did a good job shouting words of encouragement!

It's a great view, isn't it?

Maybe next year, I can try kayaking.

This part of the river is a bit dried up.

Now we are almost back at the parking lot - look at this sunset over the lake!

Thanks for coming on this hike with me!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Backseat driver

I noticed we were running low on honey so I'm going to take a ride in my car to the grocery store.

Wanna come? It's a great day for a spin!

"Are you going to the store, Ajdin?" asked Miss Feathers. "I need some birdseed."

"Hop in - I'll give you a ride!" I said.

"Heeeyyy, areeee youuuu goooooing toooo theeeee stoooore? I neeeeeeed sooome tuuuurtle waaax," said Ooogie.

"Sure, you can ride with us!" I said.

We watched Ooogie get into the car.

"Okay, everyone please buckle up!" I said.

I pressed on the gas pedal.

"Ajdin, can you please go a bit faster?" asked Miss Feathers. "At this speed, we'll never get to the store."

"Sure." The speedometer went from 10 mph to 15 mph.

"Tooooo faaaast," said Ooogie. "Pleeeeease sloooow doooown."

I let up on the gas and came down to 5 mph.

"We are going so slowly! Let's go faster, like 60 miles per hour!" said Miss Feathers.

I pressed on the gas.

"Whyyy areee youuu in suuuuch a hurryyyy?" asked Ooogie. "Sloooow is the wayyy tooo gooo."

I pressed on the brakes.



Miss Feathers and Ooogie began arguing.

"Please everyone, stop!" I pulled over. "This isn't working. One of you wants to go fast and one of you wants to go slow. And I'm the one driving here - this is beary confusing!"

(Have you had a backseat driver before?)

"Oh, I'm sorry Ajdin," said Miss Feathers. "I didn't mean to confuse you! You know, it's such a beautiful day. I think I'll fly to the store. I don't mind at all. I'll see you two back home later!"

She zoomed away with a few flaps of her wings.

"Okay Ooogie, it's just you and me now. We can drive at your speed if you'd like," I said.

"I thiiiiink I couuuuld useeee soooome exeeeercise. I wiiiiill waaaaaalk toooo theee stoooore. Seeee youuuu laaaater," he said.

"But that will take you a long time!" I insisted.

"Everyyythingggg taaaakes meeee a loooong tiiiime," he replied.

He got out of the car.

"See you later, Ooogie," I said.

"Byyeeee Ajdiiin."

Well, so much for carpooling. I guess sometimes it's easier for everyone to do their own thing, right?

I like to take my time
I mean that when I want to do a thing
I like to take my time and do it right

I mean I might just make mistakes
If I should have to hurry up and so
I like to take my time