Sunday, August 8, 2021

Magic trick

"Hey Ajdin, what are you up to?" asked Uncle Tibbs.

"Oh, I'm just practicing for my magic show," I replied. "It is not as easy as it looks."

"Oh? Do you need some help?" he asked.

"Actually... yes! You can definitely help me practice for it," I said excitedly.

"Uhh, why do I have the feeling I'm going to regret this?" said Uncle Tibbs.

"Uncle Tibbs, you just sit still right over there, ok?" I lifted my magic wand.

"Ajdin, wait! What are you going to do? What type of trick--"

Then I said the magic words.



"Yes, it worked!" I exclaimed happily. Uncle Tibbs was now about 1/10th of his former size.

But Uncle Tibbs wasn't so thrilled.

"You made me small!" he shrieked in a high pitched voice.

"Yes, I know, that was the trick," I said.

"I mean, I'm like Sandy and Jerry and Ben's size - no offense to them, sorry. And what is this - am I wearing a bow?" asked Uncle Tibbs incredulously.

"Don't worry," I said. "I can change you back."

"Please! Do it right away!" he said.

I waved my magic wand again and said some different magic words.



"Umm... hmm... that didn't work quite as I expected," I said.

"OH MY GOD! Now I'm even smaller!" cried Uncle Tibbs in an even higher pitched voice. "And I'm still wearing a silly bow! Ajdin, do you even know what you are doing casting magic spells?"

"Well, I'm still practicing," I replied. "Uncle Tibbs, you are rather cute when you are small." I picked him up and him on my lap.

"I can't believe how small I am," he said.

"Okay, let's get you back to your normal size once again," I said. "This spell should work..."


"I think if I just say the original spell backwards, that should do it... let's see.. so that would be... ARBADAC-A-RAEB-A!"


"Oh thank heavens, I'm back to my old self!" said a normal Uncle Tibbs. "Thanks Ajdin! Ajdin? Ajdin, where are you?"

"Mhffffph.... you'"

"Oh, oops! Ajdin, are you ok?" said Uncle Tibbs as he unflattened me.

"Uncle Tibbs, I think I need to practice a bit more, what do you think?"

"I think that is a beary good idea," he said. "And perhaps next time, you can try this spell on a non-stuffie."


  1. Whew! Crisis averted. You should have your volunteers/assistants sign a waiver, just in case... :)

  2. Ooh, a waiver. That's a great idea, perhaps your secretary can take care of that?

  3. Hmmm... wondering if that reverse spell would work on Spunky... make him bigger than he is? Or is he happy being a pint-sized dog, Droopy?
