Monday, September 23, 2024

Mail bag

Hello friends! I'm wearing a new shirt today. It says "EMOTIONAL SUPPORT BEAR". Yes, I'll be here for you whenever you need, that's what stuffies are for. Thanks to my friend Droopy for gifting me this shirt!

I received some mail recently so let's check it out.

First is a postcard from Little Fox who went on a trip to Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado back in July. Colorado is a beautiful place with lots of mountains - perfect for Little Fox!

Next is... also a card from Little Fox! It's a birthday card, how nice! I did have a beary good bearthday at the end of August. I'll have to post pics of the cake soon.

Thanks, Little Fox, for the fun mail!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent mail! I'm surprised there's nothing from me in there... must boot my sekrebeary in the bum!
