Sunday, June 15, 2014


Hello there!  Today I am going to show you how to do some cloudspotting.  Cloudspotting is something that not many bears and non-bears do nowadays.  It requires your full attention and imagination.  So please turn off your phone, tablet, or computer and go outside.  Find a nice, comfortable spot on the grass to lie down (bring a blanket or pillow if you want to be extra comfy).

Let's start off with a nice, clean canvas.  Ahh, just look at how clear and blue the sky is.  Take a deep breath and relax.  This will help you spot some interesting clouds.

Aha!  Here we have a baby cloud.  Not very impressive, you say?  Well, we're just getting started.  Remember, you have to be beary patient when cloudspotting.  Don't force it - there is nothing you can do to change it anyways - but simply let the clouds come and go.

Cloud activity is picking up, as you can see here.  Keep your eyes open and let your imagination run wild.

I have a feeling we will find something interesting soon...

Now this is beary interesting!  I see... I see...two...two bumblebees!  Do you see them?

Here's a hint...

Happy cloudspotting!


  1. What a nice day you have for cloudspotting. Today is just grey outside, maybe I will try tomorrow. Did you spot any honey or salmon by chance outside today?

    1. I only saw bees that day, but I will do more cloudspotting on another sunny day!

  2. That looks like fun! I wanted to go outside and do that too but... we have a grey day as well and spitting drizzle. I will have to wait!
