Saturday, March 28, 2015


I continued to take good care of the flowers.  Little by little, they began to open up.

It was hard work taking care of them, so I made a little bed for myself and took a nap, but I never left their side.

When I woke up, I was happily surprised to see that they were in full bloom.  Jerry and Ben were right - these were daffodils!

"You are beary beautiful," I said to them.

"Thank you," they replied.

I feel more confident about my green paw now.  Maybe I will try to grow some plants.  I wonder if any bees will visit these flowers.


  1. The flowers look beautiful Ajdin! They are a sign that spring is here! What will be your next gardening project?

  2. California poppies are my roommates favorite flowers. They are easy to grow and you can find the seeds in most grocery stores. All thry need are sun and water.

  3. You are a very dedicated gardener Ajdin. I like your fish-themed bedding.

  4. Daffodils are sooo pretty. Good job Adjin - sounds like you're almost ready to plant some real flowers?

  5. Yeers ago dey got skoolchildren to plant lots of daffodils arownd the town so every spring now thare ar thowzands of dem, on roundabouts, verges, an the Carsol Park. It maykes Mummy smile eech yeer wen they come bak. She sez they ar sunshine.
