Monday, December 16, 2019

Colorado Springs

I am in Colorado for a few days! Some of you might remember that I was here over the summer. Well, I'm back again!

This time, I am in Colorado Springs visiting the United States Air Force Academy. Here is a picture of me on the campus - it's set right in the foothills of the mountains.

This is the Cadet Chapel on campus which houses many smaller chapels of several different religions and faiths. It is constructed of 17 spires. Unfortunately, it was closed for renovation. (Why am I not in this photo?)

Visitors are not allowed to visit the dormitory areas, but there was an example dorm room in the visitor's center. Beds must be made neatly and everything kept in tip-top shape. (Why am I also not in this photo? Need a secretary... sigh)

Also in Colorado Springs is Garden of the Gods. I visited this past summer but thought would visit again!

Look at these unique rock formations!

It's mostly red sandstone here.

While I was driving, a mule deer crossed the road. They may look like deer at first, but their tails have a black tip on the end and the tend to be a bit bigger than white-tailed deer.

This looks like something cool on the other side. Let's check it out...

This formation is called Balanced Rock, and I can see why! In this photo, looks like some people are trying to hold the rock up. Do you think a stuffie can be strong enough to do that? Maybe Uncle Tibbs can lift it.

That's beary cool, isn't it?

This view is called Cathedral Valley. What a beary interesting landscape!

Thanks for the visit, Colorado!


  1. Your fur matches the landscape. Nice rock formations out there.

  2. Beary pretty! Hope you had some nice hot chocolate with you for the hike break.
