Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Magic grow

Hey everyone, my mom found this MAGIC GROW kit today while she was organizing some things. Apparently you just put these little capsules into water and they expand into some fun shapes. Here, we have safari animals in this kit.

I am not sure what you do with them after they turn into animal shapes. But I have nothing better to do, so here goes.

I am going to put a capsule in water now.


Ah, something is happening!

I see a... giraffe!

I'm just going to dump all of the capsules in!

plink plink plink plink!

Look - they are opening up!

I see an elephant, an anteater, a monkey, and some other animal shapes also.

I wonder what other arts and crafts kits my mom has lying around...


  1. I don't see a bear in there anywhere.. hmph... species-ism!

  2. They're kind of spongy, right? Maybe you could dip them in ink or paint and use them to stamp animal shapes all over the place.

  3. Thank you for the card! We have not seen the magic grow kits...but with daily ice cream bars, Jerry's tummy is magically growing in size...
