Monday, May 18, 2020


Hey, I got some mail today! Mail is always fun and something to look forward to, especially during these past couple of months!

First up is a card from Little Fox... wait, no... it's actually from Sequoia! It's a thank you card for some dog treats we sent him. The front of the card says "A Skulk of Foxes." I didn't know that's the word for a group of foxes. Thanks Seqouia!

Then we have something beary interesting from Sandy. It's 4 postcards with cool photos and designs on them! These are really neat, plus Sandy also made his own stickers since he was running of them. Thanks Sandy!


  1. I agree. That's a good looking fox card

  2. You might even say those foxes are...."foxy."

    1. Foxes are always foxy... although some are more foxy than others... depending on their foxiness.
