Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Pumpkin decorating

Hey everyone, hope you're having a good day! I got a pumpkin to decorate a couple of days ago. It's the perfect size for me, don't you think?

Right now, I'm thinking of different ways to decorate my pumpkin.

Should I make it creepy and scary, or funny and silly?

Either way, this could get messy, so I'm going to put it underneath a sheet of newspaper to protect my work area.

And I have some paints and things here, so let me just try some things.


Ah, yes, I think that's it! That will look beary nice indeed!


Okay, all done! Are you ready? Do you want to see my decorated pumpkin?

Well, here it is! I give you...


Isn't it beautiful?


I mean, just look at all the vibrant colors used here! Isn't it fantastic?

I love my decorated pumpkin, and I think I'll enter it in Jerry and Ben's Halloween Contest for the best decoration category.

Have you decorated for Halloween yet?


  1. Wow... I had to look up Jackson Pollock but... I agree... that is a Jackson Pollock Pumpkin! Great job Ajdin!

  2. Nice job. Very Pollackess. Is that Parker helping out?

  3. Very psychedelic pumpkin. Hurts my eyes.... :D
