Sunday, December 13, 2015

Oh Christmas tree?

"Hmm... today is already December 13th," said Miss Feathers, crossing off the date on the calendar.  "But for some reason, it just doesn't feel like Christmas around here."

"I aaaaagreeeee," said Ooogie.

"You're right," sighed Uncle Tibbs.  "We don't have any decorations to liven this place up."

"Woof," said Parker softly.

"I know!" I said.  "I'll get a Christmas tree for all of us!"



"That's a great idea!"


I was determined not to let my friends down.  I was determined to bring some holiday cheer to everyone!  I knew it was up to me to get a Christmas tree!

Because I was the only one with a car.


  1. Err... well... hmmm... OK... I'll keep my paw out of mouth for the moment. Go Ajdin!!!! You go get the tree, Tiger!

    1. eh...? I'm a bear, not a tiger, but ok... :)

    2. Mrpgghh... UNGH!! Paw came out of mouth. Be careful of pitch on the trees. You don't want that in your fur. And careful that you don't puncture a car tire - those needles can be sharp. For that matter... don't puncture your car. Watch out for spruce leader weevils (if you get a spruce). If you get a fake one... none of the above apply!

  2. Good for you Ajdin. In case you need some help, has some nice artificial trees and there are many company's that will deliver a fresh tree.

  3. "It doesn't feel like Christmas around here."

    --Doesn't help that it's like 60 degrees outside, either.
