Monday, August 3, 2020

Ooogie gets fired

This morning, I was looking for Ooogie but could not find him anywhere. Then I saw him -- or just his shell -- in the living room.

"Hello?" I said, tapping the shell gently. "Is anyone home?"

Ooogie stuck his head out, but he looked very sad.

"Oh, what's the matter?" I asked him.

"I wasssss fiiiiired," said Ooogie.

"Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that!" I said. "From which job? I know you have several jobs."

"McDonaaaaald's," he replied.

"Oh hmm, I see." (I could kind of see why he was fired from McDonald's but I didn't say anything.)

"Well, don't worry about that. Humans get fired all the time! You've just got to find the right job for your skills and talents. And you have many!" I tried to encourage him.

"Buuuut whoooo waaaaaants to hiiiiiire sooooomeone sloooooow?" he replied.

"Ahh... hmm... now just give me a moment...." I tried to think of something, but nothing was coming to mind. There must be some type of job out there that is perfect for Ooogie... something... slow...

"AHA! I'VE GOT IT!" I said. "Ooogie, I think I have the perfect job for you!"



  1. How about getting a job at the library? I bet you would be a great librarian.

  2. I thought he did a great job leading the Zen meditation retreat. Hang in there Ooogie...

  3. Those kids are so lucky to have Oogie as their crossing guard. Safety above all. Thank you Oogie.

  4. Poor Oogie... getting fired is no fun. Perhaps he needs to talk to Dogtor Freud? (P.S. I didn't know he could pull his head in all the way... cool!"
