Thursday, January 23, 2014

Baking an apple crisp

I'm going to put the apples I bought at the farm stand to good use today and bake an apple crisp.  I've got some apple crisp mix here and some nice Granny Smith apples.

The recipe says to peel and core the apples.  Be beary careful with knives.  Here I go.

Cool!  I peeled this apple in one long piece...

I really want to eat an apple now but the recipe calls for five apples and I only have five, so I guess I have to wait.

Next, I melt some butter and add it to the mix in a big bowl.

I stir it all together.  Hmm, I think this recipe could be enhanced if honey were added...

I place the apple slices into a baking dish.

Then I pour the mix over the apples.

Okay, now it's ready to go into the oven.

I wait eagerly for the apple crisp to finish baking.

Uncle Tibbs walks by to see what I am up to.  "Mmm...that smells good, Ajdin!"  We wait together.

30 minutes later, I take it out of the oven.  Be beary careful and remember to use oven mitts.  Also remember to share it with your friends.  :)  It was beary delicious!


  1. That looks great Ajdin. Did you get any whipped cream to put on top?

    1. Hmm that is a good idea, Little Fox! I will have to try that for next time.

  2. Oh that does look scrumptious Ajdin! Did everyone get a piece or did some bears get two pieces?

    1. I lost count of how many pieces I had! I think we need to make another one!

  3. You really are a Fantastic Apple Peeler, Ajdin! We like the part where Sharing is an Important Part of Baking! Look for our Pudding recipe that you might Try, Ajdin. Cooking is Fun!
