Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Arts and crafts: Bee magnet and giveaway

Hello!  I have been beary busy working on some fun projects lately, and today I am going to show you how to make a bee magnet.  This is a simple but fun craft to make if you are bored.

Lay out all your items on a table.  These are the materials I am using:

  • a hot glue gun
  • small magnet
  • small, black wood square cutout or heavy cardboard
  • gold Sharpie
  • bee decorations (use your imagination here)

Decorate the front of the wood cutout however you want.  Be beary creative here.  You can use glitter or stickers.  Remember, there are no mistakes.  The last step is to glue the magnet to the back of the cutout.  You may want to ask an adult bear or adult non-bear for help with the hot glue gun.  This is me hard at work...

Ta-dah!  The finished magnet.

These magnets are great for posting pictures and shopping lists on your refrigerator.  Now, for an added treat, I will be giving one of these magnets away - just be the first to leave a comment below.  Enjoy!


  1. Oh wow, those are great bee magnets! Ajdin you should have your own craft show on the Stuffie network. Jerry would love to put one proudly on our fridge! We'd have to give you our summer address, just let us know.

  2. I will try to be the first responder next time. :D. Nice magnets.

  3. Ah-hah... a few days too late I see! Oh well... I agree with Jerry & Ben though - Ajdin's Craft Channel!

  4. Rats, looks like I missed the give-a-way as well. Beary cool magnets Ajdin.
