Thursday, June 27, 2019

Stuffie Talent Show Auditions

Hmm... I think I'll put the sign right here.


Oh, hi there! You're just in time to hear about something exciting! I'm organizing a STUFFIE TALENT SHOW and you're invited to be in it!

Now maybe you're thinking that you don't have any talent. Well, that's simply not true. Everyone is great at something, it just takes a little thinking and creativity, that's all. So let's see what you've got!

1) Send a photo of you showcasing your talent.
2) Tell us a little bit about your talent! A couple sentences is fine!
3) One talent per stuffie (multiple photos of the same talent is okay). Stuffies only, no humans!
4) Email your photo to ajdinthebosnianbear(at)gmail(dot)com or lifeisbearygood(at)gmail(dot)com
5) Submissions must be received by July 18, 2019.
6) 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes will be awarded!

Good luck and have fun!