Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Trash to Treasures Contest Results

A few weeks ago, I called upon my blog readers to give me their trashiest and craftiest creations - and they certainly did not disappoint! Let's take a look at the entries.

Beanie Mouse, crafter extraordinaire, did not disappoint with an amazing display of creative talent. Paper bags and scrap paper turned into...

...a junk journal! Beanie is known for crafting and always has a new project going on.

Next we have a wonderful entry from Jessica who says,

"This is Strawberry a sweet little bunny made from tiny fabric scraps , even her thread was recycled and her stuffing was collected from vitamin jars....also this is how she got a fluffy tail. She is the size of a quarter!"

What a cutie! That is a cute tail!

Next, we have an ingenious invention by Little Fox. He and his friend reindeer repurposed an empty bottle into a hummingbird feeder. I was impressed by their tenacity to overcome the obstacles in this project - they had a couple of hiccups at first, but look how it turned out!

They made a great team! Please let us know if you have any hummingbird visitors!

Finally, we have Sandy with an amazing creation, perfect for adventurous stuffies who like to go outside and explore.

This is a Marine Observation Capsule. You can see that Sandy has an excellent patent attorney, as this invention is already copyrighted, registered as a trademark, patented, etc.

Will this capsule be available for sale in other sizes, for larger stuffies, perhaps? Asking for a friend.

And the winner is... chosen randomly...


Congratulations Beanie! Thank you everyone for your wonderful entries, and keep on crafting!